Increase Your Resources

Updated: March 9, 2025

There's no magic; only work.

In business life, and in the business of life, you need resources working for you. 

Creatix augments your human resources with AI resources. Rates as low as $100 per project. Don't miss out.

Creatix: AI -> BI matrix

A matrix is a platform where things are created. To create is to transform. 

Creatix transforms generative AI into actionable business intelligence (BI).

More of the same, for much less.

Generative AI is alredy a commodity. Developing BI is a do it yourself (DIY) project. If you don't have the time to DIY, hire Creatix to develop BI for you. 

Creatix transforms generative AI into BI reports and projects at a fraction of the cost of traditional consulting and business intelligence firms. 

In business life and in the business of life, the more resources working for you, the higher your chances of succeeding. Don't miss out. Level the playing field. Hire Creatix today.

Vision: AI -> BI -> Creatix Intelligence  

Mission: To transform AI into BI 

Business life or business of life going down hill?

Find actionable business intelligence (BI) to climb back up like a cosine wave.

Enjoy the Ride

Life is a series of ups and downs.

Universal life cycle: 

composition, birth, development,

deterioration, death, decomposition

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One direction -> Three outcomes

Time only goes forward. Success goes up, down, or stays the same. There's no magic; only work. Hire Creatix to develop actionable business intelligence for you. Make us work for you. Rates as low as $100 per BI project.

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