problem-solving ability

Intelligence is problem-solving ability

The word "intelligence" comes from the Latin noun intelligentia, which derived from the verb interligere, joining inter (between) and legere (to read or decipher). Intelligentia meant  having the ability to understand information to discern meaning and gain knowledge. Modern intelligence means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. 

There's no magic; only work. Developing intelligence requires work. If you want solutions, you need resources working for you. In any endeavor, those who succeed are those who have enough resources working for them, be it personal resources or business resources.

Problem-solving is all about generating solutions. The Problem Paradox is that solving problems inevitably creates even more problems to solve. New problems are oftentimes more complex to solve than the original ones. 

The silver lining of the Problem Paradox is that it can lead to continuous economic growth. Since modern economies are based on private enterprises solving problems for consumers, solutions keep bringing new problems on a practically infinite line of economic opportunity. 

Creatix uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate business  intelligence (BI) reports with potential solutions to problems encountered in business life and in the business of life. You can hire Creatix to work for you, generating AI-powered solutions from rates as low as only $100 per project.