Creatix -> sales matrix

last updated September 7, 2024

Welcome to Creatix

The mission is to create sales. The vision is everyone enjoying sales. Why sales? Because humans need products and services to survive and thrive. Commercial sales are the best way to promote the creation and distribution of all kinds of products and services. Producers and vendors choose what they want to sell. Consumers choose what they want to buy. Voila!

Creatix Ideas and Thoughts ("IT") 

Creatix sells ideas and thoughts (IT) for profit. Thoughts are the products of cogninition. Ideas are suggestions for possible courses of action. Creatix's "IT" should not be confused with facts. Creatix's "IT" are commericial products for sale. Many of Creatix's IT are idealistic, unrealistic, politically incorrect, and outdated or overcome by events. Nonetheless, thoughts and ideas are like good partners in life. Sometimes you only need one to lift you up. Sometimes you find a good one where you least expect it. A simple Creatix thought or idea may help you flourish in life.  

100% Honor System  

Creatix shares free thoughts and ideas on Blogger, Medium, and Linkedin. Consulting is offered online (email or text) at a suggested rate of $125 per hour. Clients pay or donate based on financial means. There are no commitments, no promises, no guarantees, and no obligations. Just thoughts and ideas that may help you flourish in life. This is Creatix, the flourishing matrix. Live well. Die better. Enjoy.

Life going down hill?

Find ways to climb back up like a cosine wave.


No one. Sooner or later, everybody is consumed. Life cycle: conception, development, birth, development, deterioration, death, decomposition. 

Enjoy the Ride

Life can be finite series of ups and downs. 

FAITH: Facts are irrelevant to happiness (FAITH)

Hire Creatix for consulting on the FAITH program. Reprogramming If you $125 per hour, 100%  honor system. Standard rate is can help you realize that facts are irrelevant to happiness. This is exclusive content that we call "FAITH", a Creatix exclusive.

Create your "creatix"

A matrix is a place or platform where things are created. To create is to transform. The universe is a creative matrix ("creatix") where energy (the capacity to do work) is transformed into many different creations, including the organic data processing phenomena known as life. Life is also a "creatix" where every living cell transforms energy from the external environment into replicative, adaptive, reproductive, and evolutionary (RARE) creations. The brain is a "creatix" where neurons transform sensory stimuli into cognitive output. Get into the "creatix" mindset to start creating the reality of your dreams.

What do you want in life? 

Create it. At least have fun trying. Enjoy the process of doing your best and forget about the rest. There is no time to waste. Rest assured that in the end you will rest in peace (RIP) like everyone else. No one gets out of this experience alive. It's a predictable 8-count life cycle: (1) conception; (2) prenatal development; (3) birth; (4) postnatal development; (5) deterioration; (6) degradation; (7) death; and (8) decomposition.   

Most humans want power, order, wealth, enjoyment, relationships, and salvation (POWERS). Power as in godly omniscience and omnipotence. Order as in lack of chaos and disorder. Wealth in all aspects including physical wealth (i.e. health) and financial wealth (money). Enjoyment as in happiness, joy, pleasant entertainment, and pleasurable experiences. Relationships as in connections with significant others, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Salvation as in transcending mortality with spirituality and a sense of connection to supernatural forces. Humans want all those POWERS and more. 

All human desires are tied to the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Ultimately, what all humans seek in life is pain relief (PR).

Once you figure out what you want in life, identify what processes may lead to those results. Make those processes part of your daily habits. Associate them with pain relief (PR). Don't go as far as seeking pleasure because it brings more pain in the end. Develop temperance to control yourself, stopping at pain relief (PR) without getting high on pleasures that will bring you down. 

For all this and more, stay tuned to Creatix, the sales matrix. 

One Direction - Three elevations

Time moves nonstop in one direction (past, present, future). Your metrics over time (whatever you decide to measure in life) will either go up, stay the same, or go down. Therefore, even if the future has not been created yet and everything is uncertain, nothing needs to be surprising. Time will continue moving on forward. Whatever metrics you seek in life, be sure that they will only: increase, stay, or decrease. Prepare for these three possible scenarios. Create your success matrix for each one of them. Find how to flourish under each one of the three possible future outcomes: up, same, or down (USD). Stay tuned for more. 

Free ideas on Blogger, Medium, and Linkedin

Support on Patreon or Paypal

The 8 count life cycle

In dance, an 8 count or "dancers 8" is a rhythmic grouping of eight beats that dancers use to keep track of the music tempo without getting lost on stage. Musicians typically count in 4s. Dancers create an 8 count by  combining two 4 count measures, so it goes 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 instead of 1-2-3-4, repeated. Anyways, Conception, development, birth, continued development, deterioration, degradation, death, decomposition. 

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